Planmeca Romexis 5.3.4 crack
Advanced and easy-to-use software crack 2020
Activated Planmeca Romexis crack 2020 is an advanced, easy-to-use software package that provides a wide range of tools to meet the imaging and clinical data processing needs of any dental facility, from a small dental office to a large hospital. The package includes tools for working with all types of dental images: intraoral, panoramic, cephalometric, three-dimensional images, dental tomography, intraoral video recording, images from a digital camera. However, Planmeca Romexis is more than just an imaging software package: it allows you to fully integrate digital imaging with patient data management, unit management and other systems in your dental office.
One software for processing all images
All patient-related images – intraoral and extraoral radiographs, scanned images, photographs, 3D X-ray images, 3D photographs, etc. – displayed on a single interface. You can freely view and process 2D images, as well as manage 3D images and their division into layers in real time. There are tools that allow you to take measurements in any plane of three-dimensional space – the measurement results can be easily recalled for viewing.
Immediate overview of the patient’s anatomy
3D-rendered images provide an immediate overview of the patient’s anatomy – while viewing images from multiple perspectives. There are also options for working with panoramic projections, transverse and axial layer-by-layer images, dental canal images, and implant libraries.
Don’t wait until later, get started digitally today. Order activated Planmeca Romexis 5.3.4 crack 2020 full version now!