ExoCad PartiCAD crack 2.2 Valletta

Full crack

Fully hacked program that does not require activation

Full modules

program with all modules and extensions


Our developers will install program and all the add-ons

Why should you buy ExoCad PartiCAD crack 2.2 Valletta ?

• Incredible digital implant generation in a few minutes.

• Improvement of your dental office with a modern solution.

• Impress your patients with an accurate and fast measurement.

• Reduce your staff costs: using this app you can do everything instead of a potential assistant.

• Making difficult cases easier than ever before.

The best offer – ExoCad PartiCAD crack 2.2 Valletta on our website at the cheapest price.

ExoCad PartiCAD crack 2.2 Valletta


Features of the cracked ExoCad PartiCAD 2.2 Valletta 2020


Features of the program include a web browsing function that allows you to use links for 3D previews directly in the web browser and on mobile devices. In addition, programs feature faster interaction, new hotkeys for frequently used functions.

New functions of the activated ExoCad PartiCAD crack 2.2 Valletta 2020

New ContactPoint toolkit, simplified implementation of the Production Blank Selection (CAD) function for export to CAM, multilevel test rendering with TruSmile support, and a new library teeth in HD format, free choice of guiding surfaces when analyzing movements in the articulator, the presence of implant models with gingival masks and individual guides for subsequent insertion of sleeves, improved visualization of textured / color scans obtained using intraoral and facial devices, and the ability to display additional interactive views.

Flexibility and freedom in the design of prostheses and crowns

Thanks to voxel-associated technology, PartialCAD ​​provides flexibility and freedom in the design of prostheses and crowns, as well as other prosthetics available on the exocad DentalCAD ​​platform, such as secondary mesostructures on telescopic crowns, attachments and implant prosthetics.


Don’t wait until later, get started digitally today. Order cracked ExoCad PartiCAD 2.2 Valletta 2020 now!

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